Facilitating Success

Susan is a Certified Executive Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation.  Susan coaches clients across a diverse range of industries and at all professional levels.

What is Executive Coaching?

Coaching is a unique opportunity to progress an individual’s personal, professional or organizational goals through the exploration of ideas and candid dialogue with a confidential and unbiased partner.  An executive coach is a qualified professional who works with people to help them clarify and achieve objectives, gain self-awareness and unlock their potential, while also serving as a sounding board.

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Susan coaches all professional levels - senior executives, as well as anyone in a leadership position, such as Directors and Managers. She works with people in corporations, agencies, small and mid-sized businesses, associations, government-related organizations and start-ups, in Canada and internationally.
Susan also coaches professionals who:
*are looking for guidance on their own initiative to navigate a work-related issue, or build their leadership skills
*are starting a new job and want support to kick things off right
*are considering a career shift and want to work through the decision process
*are looking to grow their own business

How does it work?

Generally Susan works with a client every couple of weeks for an hour, but that can vary depending on the needs of the client. Coaching is most successful when it’s done over a period of time – usually at least three months. One-off coaching sessions are also offered for people looking to discuss and talk through a specific subject or issue.
Fees are competitive and are based on hourly or multi-session packages. As a member of the International Coaching Federation, Susan works under their confidentiality and integrity guidelines. Clients can be sure that everything discussed is strictly confidential, unless otherwise established prior to the coaching term.

What is the process?

Define overall goal

Susan will help the client clearly identify what he/she wants to accomplish through the coaching program

Explore ideas

Susan will probe, challenge, listen and question until the client has developed a clear and compelling vision to move forward

Remove barriers

Susan will help the client identify barriers and develop strategies to overcome them

Take action

Susan will help the client develop a clear action plan to move his/her goals forward

Refine and reflect

Susan will support and motivate the client through the process to the achievement of his/her goals

Join the long list of clients who have benefitted from the value Susan brings.

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